[C]When my two oldest boys were small we lived in Raleigh, North Carolina, the land of moderate temperatures and outdoor McDonald’s playgrounds. As we drove past my oldest would plead to go to “the place with the yellow mountains,” so one day we went. I was carrying one and leading the other through the parking lot when they came unglued.
They were causing a scene, complete with kicking and screaming, just as we arrived at the front door of the restaurant. I remember thinking to myself, “I am just trying to bless you and you are making this nearly impossible!” What I didn’t consider was that they knew nothing about the restaurant or the food. They could only see the playground and were upset that we had to go through the restaurant to get to it. After their behavior I no longer wanted to go to either one! By having a hissy fit in the parking lot they refused to cooperate with me and almost missed out completely.
If we cooperate with God the curves of life somehow feel straighter because we have a place to lean, a hand to hold and arms to carry us. The curves are still curves but we aren’t as off balance because we navigate them with God, who has power and resources we can’t even imagine.
We sometimes act this way with God. He has a view and a vision we can never see because His thoughts are not our thoughts; neither are His ways our ways (Isaiah 55:8). He sees things we don’t, the whole scope of our lives and where each action and situation fits into His big picture. If we cooperate with Him the curves of life somehow feel straighter because we have a place to lean, a hand to hold and arms to carry us. The curves are still curves but we aren’t as off balance because we navigate them with God, who has power and resources we can’t even imagine and is the giver of peace that transcends (goes beyond and exceeds) all understanding and will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).
How do you cooperate with God?
You discover who He is and learn what He says; that’s the Bible. It’s His book and it tells His story from beginning to end. Read it.
You talk to Him and listen to Him; that’s prayer.
You spend time with others who know Him well and ask them questions; that’s Bible study.
And probably hardest of all, you trust Him; that’s allowing Him to take you through the restaurant to get to the playground without having a hissy fit in the parking lot.
He knows exactly where He’s going.